How to configure Roaming Profiles and Folder Redirection

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I have a GPO called folder redirection. So, I replicated the GPO and this one is called folder redirection And this one, I applied a WMI filter using:. First, Windows 10 computers are redirectuon getting that new GPO. I run gpresult and don’t see the new GPO. Error details: “This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object. If I log the user into one of the Windows 7 redirrction, the redirection works fine.

Matter of fact, the user had a Windows 7 computer up until yesterday when I gave her the Windows 10 computer. You say the user only has read write permissions этом activator microsoft office 2010 32 bit free абсолютно the share. Change to full and try again. Make sure user redirectjon owner of the directories on the server. What does that mean: make sure user is owner of the directories frre the server? If the user has full control, aren’t they essentially the owner of said folder?

I’m also looking at another client больше информации mine who has the same fred – a mixture of 10 and 7 machines. Same GPO. This client client 2 has a Win server. Esaentials documents direction path says: Redirect. Windows server 2012 essentials folder redirection not working free download DC with Win10??

Thats where a bit of issue Yes, DC with Windows It should work. I’ve ran Win10’s in a Wineows with zero problem. Not sure why would be. I’m not in a position to change the server to or and I doubt my MS licnese gives me upgrade rights to Created a new policy and applied it. No luck. The user I’m using on the Win 10 computer – same issue.

The documents folder isn’t redirected but the contacts, music, and videos are diecting from an another GPO. Redirechion, I removed my windows 10 only GPO. Second – this windows First, I logged in as another user. My documents didn’t redirect! I then went to the users windows server 2012 essentials folder redirection not working free download and changed the owner from the domain administrator to the user.

I got my expected enumeration errors. Rebooted the Win 10 computer. Logged back on as the user. Now the contacts, documents, downloads, favorites, wkndows, pictures, and videos are all redirected.

This appears to be a permission issue all this time. Just changing the owner – despite getting these sesentials issues. I’m going redurection try some other users and see refirection it works out. Actually, the owner was the domain страница. I just changed it to the user and guess what? The redirection works now – sort of. EDIT – When I replaced the owner from administrator to the actual user and I check the boxes “replace owner on subcontainers and objects” and “replace all child objects permissions entries at the bottom ” all Essentialls get are message like:.

And it’s the same message for all the redirected folders: contacts, video, pictures, download, documents. However, on идея free acrobat for windows 10 зачет! users’ computer, essentixls contacts, music, videos, seerver now documents are redirected. Who knows about that failed to enumerate error – but I think that’s what is causing the problem – some permission issue.

And – if I look at the security properties of the contacts folder in the users homedir, I see this:. To continue this discussion, please ask a new hyper v windows pro download. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks.

I don’t understand Best Answer. GerardBeekmans This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. Windows Server expert. And the user is the owner as listed above the permissions list?

That’s key. View this “Best Answer” in the replies below ». Popular Topics in Windows Server. Spiceworks Help Desk. The help desk software windows server 2012 essentials folder redirection not working free download IT. Track users’ IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. Learn More ». Justin This person is a verified professional. Steve Jan 24, at UTC. Security tab – user has full control.

Edit: I’m also looking at another client of mine who has the same setup – a mixture of 10 and 7 machines. I got them to install. Full Control and owner are two different things. If not the user, change this. What other permissions are essentiaps Feel free to share a screenshot. GerardBeekmans wrote: Full Control and owner are two different things. GerardBeekmans wrote: And the user is the owner as listed above the permissions list?

Repeated the same process with two other users. The documents folder was redirected – finally! The favorites and pictures folders are not redirected. EDIT – When I replaced the owner from administrator to the actual user and I check the boxes “replace owner on subcontainers and objects” and “replace all child objects permissions entries at the bottom ” all I get are message like: And it’s the woriing message for all the redirected folders: contacts, video, pictures, download, documents.

And – if I жмите сюда at the security properties of the contacts folder in the users homedir, I see windows server 2012 essentials folder redirection not working free download Advanced: and if I click change for the owner and try to change to the user, I get the same enumeration error.

Edited Jan 24, at UTC. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. Read these next



Windows server 2012 essentials folder redirection not working free download –


This will run the report and save it to a file called report. The second line then opens that report in a web browser. When troubleshooting an issue where a policy is not applying I like to focus on the denied sections. In our case folder redirection is a user policy, so I checked there. Below is similar to what I found.

There were two clues as to what the issue was here. The first clue is that the policy name is not being displayed. The second clue is the reason denied. We can see it was denied because the policy is inaccessible, empty or disabled. In our case we had no problem accessing the files. We then checked in the group policy management console. We verified the policy was not empty or disabled. So it would appear that we have eliminated all possible issues.

However there is another set of permissions. This was the set of permissions that were not correct in our case. The Authenticated Users group was missing. The fix is quite simple. Add back the Authenticated Users group and give it read permissions. I hope you have found this informative. If you have anything to add or just want to comment, please do so below.

I figured it was time for another post on Essentials. Some parts of this article also apply to Foundation edition. Windows Server Essentials edition is designed for a small to medium sized business. Here are a few of the advantages to running Essentials. There is always a catch. Windows Essentials edition is no exception. Below are the limitations imposed by running Essentials. So what if the server is not a domain controller or violates one of the rules above? This is where the Server Infrastructure License Service comes into play.

If a violation is found the server will shutdown every Why Microsoft chose Before it shuts down though it will warn you. The events will show up in the Server Infrastructure Licensing log. The next question is how do we fix these errors.

I have seen three causes for this issue. After you believe you have fixed the issue, see the the next section for a way to confirm the issue is resolved.

Not enough storage is available to process this command. This error seems to indicate that we are low on hard drive space. However this is not the case. The heap is a finite size, regardless of how much RAM is in the system. Normally Windows will not experience a heap exhaustion, that is where this special pool of memory is completely depleted.

However, if a program or driver is leaking memory, then the pool will eventually run out. In case you are wondering what a memory leak is, it occurs when a program or driver allocates memory, but does not free it when complete. So in essence this error is caused by a malfunctioning program or driver.

The good news is that every time I have seen this issue in Essentials or Foundation it was caused by a printer driver. There are 2 ways to fix this problem. As anyone knows, changing the motherboard, processor and all of the underlying system components in a Windows server is a nightmare potentially in the making so I had to plan well for this. I had meticulously noted all of the drive configurations from the RAID Controller down to the last detail, I had noted which drives connected to which SATA port on which controller port and I had a full backup of the system state to perform a bare metal recovery if I needed.

After getting approval for the service outage from the wife and shutting down the old home server, I got it all disconnected and removed from the rack. I think I probably spent about 45 minutes carefully screwing and unscrewing drives and at the same time, noting which slot I removed them from and which slot I installed them into. While I was building the chassis for the home server, I had already done some of the pre-work to minimize the downtime.

All 9 of the virtual drives on the controller were detected correctly, the RAID1 Mirror for the OS drives stayed in-tact and I knew that the first major hurdle was a behind me.

A problem here would have been the most significant to timely progress. The server hung here for at least another 10 minutes at which point I was starting to get worried. After this reboot, the server booted normally into Windows.

It took me about another hour after this to clean-up the server. First I had to reconfigure my network adapter team to include the two on-board Gigabit Ethernet adapters on the Supermicro motherboard as I am no longer using the Intel PCIe adapter from the old chassis.

After another reboot or two to make sure everything was working properly and a thorough check of the event logs for any Active Directory, DNS or DHCP errors and a test from my 3G smartphone to make sure that my published website was running okay on the new server, I called it a success. One thing I noted of interested here was that Windows appeared to not require re-activation as I had suspected it would.

A motherboard and CPU family change would be considered a major hardware update which normally requires re-activation of the license key but even checking now, it reports activated. Blurrycam shots of the old 4U chassis after I removed it and the new 3U chassis in the rack. As you can see from the second picture, the bottom 3U chassis is powered up and this is the home server.

One of the nice touches on the new X-Case RM Pro chassis is the front indicators for the network ports, both of which light up and work with the Supermicro on-board Intel Gigabit Ethernet ports. The home server has now been running for two days without so much as a hiccup or a cough. Two of the existing 3TB drives will be coming out to make up the bulk storage portion of the Lab Storage Server Storage Space and one drive will be an expansion giving me a gross uplift of 9TB capacity in the pool.

I would be exchanging the 3TB drives in the home server with larger capacity drives one day in the future anyway so I figured I may as well do two of them early and make good use of the old drives for the lab.

See if you can guess which colour I might buy? The re-addressing of the network is make room for the new VLANs and associated addressing which I will be adding for the lab and my new addressing schema makes it much easier for me longer term to manage. The hacksaw, as drastic as that sounds is for the 2U Hyper-V server which you may notice is not racked in the picture above.

You have upgraded your machines to Windows 8. As I frequently proclaim and preach on here, I run Windows Server Essentials on my home network, acting as my DNS Server, DHCP Server in addition to the out of the box features that you can get from Windows Server Essentials like roaming profiles, folder redirection, automated computer backups and network file sharing all of which I use. When I was building out a test environment this week to practice how I might migrate from Windows Server Essentials to Windows Server R2 Essentials without the benefit of a second server with 19TB of available storage to hand how many homes do have 19TB of storage let alone a spare 19TB I was experiencing an issue.

As part of my testing, I built a Windows 8. I built a Windows Server Essentials server as a second virtual machine on which I recreated my group policy settings and a mock up of my Storage Pool and Storage Spaces on my production server.

The solution to making this work is pretty simple in that we just need to update the WMI Filter so that it includes Windows 8. After making the changes and running a gpupdate command on a Windows 8. Data is written to the vhdx file in real time. It means that when copying data to a user profile on an RDS server, the size of the vhdx file on the shared storage is incremented immediately.

A list of connected UPD disks with profiles can be listed using the mountvol utility. By default, a User Profile Disk contains all the user profile contents.

However, you can exclude certain folders from the list of synchronized directories in the RDS collection settings, or specify that only certain folders should be saved. The second option allows you to configure the saving only the specified directories in the UPD profile. If necessary, the last option allows you to implement the scenarios for saving the settings of the Start Screen, which are stored in appsfolder. UPD configuration is much easier than the configuration of roaming profiles or redirected folders.

If you are using previous versions of Windows Server, you will get an error:. Unable to enable user disks on rVHDShare. Could not create template VHD. Also it is desirable to use the version SMB 3.

Anyway, since User Profile Disks is a relatively new technology, prior to mass UPD implementations, it is recommended to test their work and possible problems in a test environment. If these vhdx files are not used , of course you can delete them.

If you are not sure — rename files and look at the operation of the system. Someone of these user will sometimes get logged in with a temporary profile. This is extremely problematic. I have searched everywhere and cannot figure out why this is happening. Even on the data server where the UPDs are stored, it shows them having a connected to the UPD and all folder redirects are working but the settings that they change that are saved in the UPD are not coming through.

Any tips on how to solve this issue?? This is wrong for server Not the RD session Host Method that you are referring to. So your fix for the Registry does not apply.